【二手】BURBERRY 花卉蕾絲風衣 36 E16144


    標誌性的 Burberry 風衣採用華麗而復雜的花邊花卉蕾絲重新演繹,該蕾絲是在一家歷史悠久的瑞士工廠使用超過 600,000 針縫製而成。The iconic Burberry trench is reimagined for the season in gorgeous and intricate macramé floral lace, which was woven at a historic Swiss mill using over 600,000 stitches.

    *We use professional technology to take product photos to show the most realistic product appearance, color, and texture. Since the degree of newness and oldness varies from person to person, ratings are for reference only. Therefore, we recommend customers to look carefully at the photos to better understand the condition of the item. *

    In Stock

    Rating: Status: Second Hand 貨號: E16144 Category: Brand: